Special Edition Call - Penitentiary Intelligence and Intelligence
Brasília, December 07, 2021 - The Special Edition “Intelligence and Penitentiary Intelligence” of the Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution will bring together theoretical knowledge and analyzes produced by researchers and criminal justice operators on the gradual process of institutionalizing intelligence networks in security agencies public, with special focus on intelligences organized within the prison system, with special attention to fighting and preventing organized crime in the country and abroad.
In Brazil, intelligence actions have been treated as relevant mechanisms for crime prevention and essential for the promotion of social peace on the national scene. The performance in the field of Intelligence follows the guidelines provided for in recent legislation and regulations related to the subject, such as the National Intelligence Policy, the National Intelligence Plan, the National Intelligence Strategy, the National Public Security Intelligence Policy, the National Intelligence Strategy Public Security Intelligence, and others, established under the terms of Law n. 9883/99 (SISBIN).
In this direction, the National Penitentiary Department (Depen), in order to increasingly value the intelligence activity, created, in 2019, the Directorate of Penitentiary Intelligence (DIPEN) with the main competences of planning, coordinating, integrating, guiding and overseeing penitentiary intelligence nationwide.
The call aims to publish articles, interviews with personalities, reports of successful experiences, and reviews that relate professional experience, knowledge produced about intelligence related to criminal enforcement and compliance with legislation, and also linked, to some extent, to coping and prevention to organized crime.
Theoretical and/or technical production must be linked to one of the following thematic axes:
Intelligence and Public Safety;
Penitentiary intelligence and counterintelligence;
penitentiary operations;
Doctrines, technological applications and knowledge production;
Intelligence activity against organized crime that operates from prisons;
Police activity and intelligence; and
The internationalization of intelligence knowledge.
Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution: http://rbepdepen.depen.gov.br
Period 12/15/2021 to 03/31/2022.
Information: (61) 2025-3295 or by e-mail: rbep@mj.gov.br