Female Prison: An Analysis Of Visits in the Irmã Irma Zorzi Female Penal Establishment


  • Clarice Felipe Bezerra
  • Andrea Flores




Female Prision, Right to visit, Irmã Irma Zorzi Female Penal Establishment


This study seeks to approach the reality of female prison in the Irmã Irma Zorzi Female Penal Establishment (EPFIIZ), located in Campo Grande/MS, with the objective of understanding the State support regarding the right to visit of women deprived of liberty. The legislation pertaining to the right of visits and the instruments for using the State to comply with the law are highlighted. Bibliographic productions on the subject were used, seeking to identify the historical composition of the offender woman, data from the Levantamento Nacional de Informações Penitenciárias (INFOPEN), legislation and local information and data. The study concluded that the EPFIIZ complies with the main internal regulations for the enforcement of the right, but has a low rate of visits, as well as there are no measures to resolve the demand of women who have their relatives far from the place where they are serving sentences and measures attention should be paid to visits by women prisoners who are victims of domestic violence and their aggressors.


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How to Cite

Felipe Bezerra, C., & Flores, A. . (2022). Female Prison: An Analysis Of Visits in the Irmã Irma Zorzi Female Penal Establishment. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution, 3(1), 83–105. https://doi.org/10.1234/rbep.v3i1.411