Técnicas avançadas de extração de dados


  • Stanley Gusmão de Paiva SEAP/PB




Extração de dados. GISOP. SEAP/PB.


This article aims to demonstrate the different techniques for extracting data from an electronic device that we often have to consider the types of cell phones with numerous access security procedures and the ways they are collected with all kinds of possible and unimaginable physical damage that it needs a well-executed sorting so that it can be used for the best data extraction process that fits the electronic device without data loss, being of fundamental importance the chain of custody that shows the history of the seizure until its disposal. Data extraction has several techniques that can be used individually or combined so that the largest amount of data possible can be extracted with greater efficiency and effectiveness, where we can mention from the Manual technique, passing through Logic, Physics, Chip-Off which also comprises the Join Test Action Group - JTAG and In System Programming - ISP and Micro Reading. Each technique has a unique specificity that understands the real need for what is sought, time and logical and physical conditions of the electronic devices, which despite the differences in techniques we manage to extract data that will be evidence in various objectives ranging from simple data recovery ( backup), a judicial expertise or even data used in the intelligence sector in favor of public security, and regardless of the objective and the chosen technique, it is possible to obtain the data that time are inaccessible or corrupted that, when passing through the phases that go from the Collection, Examination, Analysis and Result that it is possible to transform the media, into data, into information and transformed into evidence being used in the best possible way. In the penitentiary system of the state of Paraíba, the incessant search for data that are available in electronic devices goes through several techniques presented below, being used in an administrative character in proof of serious misconduct according to the Penal Execution Law - LEP and being used by penitentiary intelligence to support managers in making strategic decisions against Public Security in general. The techniques used in practice and the results obtained in 3 years of work in the area will be presented, changing the actions of the Management of Intelligence and Organic Penitentiary Security - GISOP and the Secretary of State for the Penitentiary Administration of Paraíba - SEAP/PB.


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Author Biography

Stanley Gusmão de Paiva, SEAP/PB

Policial Penal da Secretaria de Estado da Administração Penitenciária da Paraíba – SEAP/PB. Graduado em Sistema de Informação pela Faculdade Joaquim Nabuco, MBA Executivo em Gestão da Tecnologia da Informação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Pós-Graduação Inteligência Prisional, de Segurança Pública e de Estado pela Faculdade de Comunicação Tecnológica de Olinda – Facottur.


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How to Cite

Gusmão de Paiva, S. (2022). Técnicas avançadas de extração de dados. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution, 3(2), 129–146. https://doi.org/10.56081/2675-1860/rbep.v3.n2.a6