
Execution of Agreements for Public Health Policy in the Prison System of the State of Tocantins


  • Dórkas Pereira Borges Estado do Tocantins
  • Bárbara Risomar de Sousa Estado do Tocantins



Política Pública, Saúde, Lei de Execução Penal - LEP, Convênios


This article is an experience report on the execution of transfer instruments, specifically the covenants, for public health policy in the prison system of the State of Tocantins. According to Interministerial Ordinance No. 424, of December 30, 2016, the onlending instruments are the onlending agreements and contracts, operated from voluntary transfers. In the State of Tocantins, three agreements were signed with the National Penitentiary Department (DEPEN), an agency of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, for the implementation of 25 health spaces in the prison system. Such implementation is fraught with bottlenecks and several difficulties regarding the execution of administrative processes. However, it is possible to conclude that voluntary transfers are fundamental instruments for the promotion of public policies within the Prison System.


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How to Cite

Dórkas Pereira Borges, & Bárbara Risomar de Sousa. (2021). The: Execution of Agreements for Public Health Policy in the Prison System of the State of Tocantins. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution, 2(1), 149–165.