O Projeto Prisões Livres de Tuberculose
Aiming to offer health promotion and prevention to people deprived of their liberty considering the difficult scenario of tuberculosis, in 2017 DEPEN signed a partnership with Fiocruz Brasília for the so-called "Project Free Prisons of Tuberculosis". The project seeks to carry out a national health education campaign with a primary focus on tuberculosis and TB and HIV / AIDS co-infection with the involvement of all stakeholders in the prison community and considering the peculiarities of this environment. The project proposes to collaborate in the reorganization of the intra and extramural procedures of the health network in the prison system, with activities aimed at prison staff, persons deprived of their liberty and their families. The use of communication resources contributes to encourage the adaptation of behavior, the increase of knowledge about the disease and, above all, the reduction of stigma and prejudice.
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