A possível aplicação da “Comvict Criminology” nas prisões brasileiras


  • Victoria de Tolledo Embaixada da França


sistema carcerário, etnografia, Convict Criminology


This article discusses the practical application of Convict Criminology, an ethnographic model of critical criminology focused on the point of view of the deprived of freedom, in Brazilian prisons. The objective is to be in first-hand contact with the victims of the prison system in order to understand what would be the changes in the penal policies proposed by the detainees. To this end, the previous experiences of this way of doing criminology will be analyzed, in an extensive bibliographic work, based on authors dedicated to the practice of Convict Criminology, such as Jeffrey Ian Ross, as well as critical authors of the penitentiary system, such as Raúl Zaffaroni. The objective is to demonstrate that the use of the speech and ideas of the detainees, is still an incipient form of work in South America, and whose results could be transformative for the Brazilian penitentiary reality.


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Author Biography

Victoria de Tolledo, Embaixada da França

Graduação em Direito. Mestrado em Política Criminal. Atua como Assessora Jurídica na Embaixada da França em Brasília e advogada na Rede Nacional de Feministas Antiproibicionistas. E-MAIL: victoriadetolledo@gmail.com. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5152-5056.


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How to Cite

de Tolledo, V. (2024). A possível aplicação da “Comvict Criminology” nas prisões brasileiras. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution, 5(1), 257–269. Retrieved from https://rbepdepen.depen.gov.br/index.php/RBEP/article/view/611