The importance of qualified listening in care policies for people released from prision

memories, counter-memories and reconstruction of identities


  • Paula Jardim Duarte
  • Francisco Farias


KEYWORDS: Graduates of the Prison System. Stigma. Memory.



This article is focused on the importance of good listening, in the institutional field, of people who have gone through the prison experience, based on their inventory of memories (from prison, prior to prison and presents) and its possibilities of re-signifying the traumatic situations experienced, bet on the possibility of the (re)emergence of other memories and meanings, based on the assumption of the effects of prisonization and subjection, as well as the universe of prison as a producer of subjectivities on people deprived of their liberty. It has as its fields of study, based on theories of Social Memory, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, and addresses the processes of subjection and prisonization, resulting from incarceration, through the development of concepts such as 'precarious lives', 'subjection', 'stigma', 'prisonization ', 'mortification of the self'. Assuming that incarceration interferes with the subjectivities of individuals deprived of their freedom, what would their perception of themselves be like after acquiring ex-prisoner status? Despite the stigmas faced by those who leave prison, is it possible for the person to retain something of themselves, of their identity, resisting the logic of power? To get these answers, the text then points to some possibilities, mediated by qualified listening through the testimonies of people released from prison.



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Author Biographies

Paula Jardim Duarte

Graduação em Psicóloga e Mestrado em Memória Social. Possui experiência em gestão de políticas públicas na área de prevenção à criminalidade e violências. Atuou como consultora pelo PNUD/CNJ (2020 a 2023). Coordenadora estadual no Rio de Janeiro do Programa Fazendo Justiça/CNJ (2019 a 2020). Coordenadora de projetos de pesquisa na área de Justiça Criminal e Sistema Prisional pelo Instituto de Estudos da Religião do Rio de Janeiro (2016 a 2019).
Coordenadora de grupos reflexivos para homens e mulheres envolvidos com violência de gênero pelo Instituto ALBAM/MG (2014 a 2016); Diretora dos Programas de Alternativas Penais pela Secretaria de Estado de Defesa Social de Minas Gerais (2007 a 2012). Coordenadora Regional do Núcleo de Atendimento às Vítimas de Crimes Violentos em Ribeirão das Neves/MG (2015), Psicóloga na Atenção Secundária no Centro de Saúde Viva Vida em Santa Luzia/MG (2013 a 2014) e atuou em Consultório Particular como Psicóloga Clínica com abordagem psicanalítica (1999 a 2016). E-MAIL: ORCID:

Francisco Farias

Bachelor and Psychologist from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1978), Specialist in Clinical Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Master in Psychology, Motivation and Learning area from Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ (1983) and Doctor in Psychology, Psychology area Cognitiva, by Fundação Getúlio Vargas - RJ (1987). Post_Doctorate from Université de Paris - SHS Sorbonne (2022). Research Productivity Scholarship 2. He is currently an Ad Hoc consultant at the Rio de Janeiro State Research Support Foundation (FAPERJ), associate professor at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, at the Department of Foundations of Education and the Research Program Postgraduate in Social Memory. Consultant for the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Scientific Advisor at the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP). Published by Editora Revinter: Hysteria and Psychoanalysis, Research in the sciences of the subject and Psychosis: clinical trials; by Editora 7Letras: Why, after all, do we kill?; by Editora Contracapa: Notes in Social Memory; by Editora Juruá: Trauma, Memory and Violence in co-authorship with Glaucia Regina Vianna and by Editora Lumen Juris: Punishment and Prison: critical essays in co-authorship with Lobelia da Silva Faceira; by Editora Mauad He participated in public competition boards, dissertations and theses. He presented research on crime, violence and trauma on television news programs (Rede Globo, TVE, CNT). He presented articles in newspapers and weeklies. Currently researching the themes of violence, prison education, trauma and social memory. Participation in national and international congresses. Publications in national and international journals. He has experience in the field of Psychology, with an emphasis on Therapeutic Intervention, working mainly on the following themes: crime, desire, social memory, criminality and perversion.


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How to Cite

Duarte, P. J., & Farias, F. (2024). The importance of qualified listening in care policies for people released from prision: memories, counter-memories and reconstruction of identities. Brazilian Journal of Criminal Execution, 5(1), 113–129. Retrieved from

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