Gaucho Penitenciary System. Combat Racism. Public Policies.Abstract
The State of Rio Grande do Sul, through the Department of Penal and Socio-Educational Systems and its affiliated entities, has been making efforts to implement the Anti-Racism Policy within the Prison System. A permanent committee within the Prison System has been established to create regulations, actions, and ongoing discussions on the topic. Successful and unprecedented experiences include the development of a Technical Note outlining guidelines for combating racism in the prison system. Various actions have been taken based on this Technical Note, such as the production of the institutional video "RS Combats Racism," aiming to engage prison officer with the subject. Additionally, a questionnaire was created and administered to prison agents to gauge their perceptions of the issue. The 1st National Meeting on the Anti-Racism Policy in the Prison System of Rio Grande do Sul and the 1st National Exhibition of Shared Experiences were also organized. Through these efforts, the policy is being consolidated, gaining recognition at both the state and national levels. Emphasis is placed on the importance of a permanent institutional committee that engages with relevant stakeholders, through a structured methodology for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the anti-racism policy.
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