O papel das redes nas ações da Ouvidoria Nacional dos Serviços Penais
uma experiência no sistema penitenciário do DF.
Articulação em rede; execução penal; ouvidorias; pandemia; sistema prisionalAbstract
This paper approaches topics about the activities developed by Ouvidoria Nacional dos Serviços Penais -ONSP- in articulation with the network of some organizations responsible by the criminal execution in Federal District -DF- during the covid-19’s pandemic. The main idea of this analysis is to understand the impacts of this network articulation in the effectiveness of the answers in an emergency severe situation as a pandemic. The hypothesis is that Onsp influences the formation of a network among the institutions which are part of the network of criminal execution of DF, in order to make feasible to have more effective solutions as the same time. The paper brings the repercussions of the actions developed by the network like the implementation of virtual meetings, by the perspective of news published by the media and interviews of the actors involved in the activities.
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